Collector Configuration
Review /opt/collectorforlinux/etc/001-general.conf
for default configurations, override any configuration with the
file /opt/collectorforlinux/etc/001-user.conf
# collector configuration file # # Run collector with flag -conf and specify location of the configuration file. # # You can override all the values using environment variables with the format like # COLLECTOR__<ANYNAME>=<section>__<key>=<value> # As an example you can set dataPath in [general] section as # COLLECTOR__DATAPATH=general__dataPath=C:\\some\\path\\data.db # This parameter can be configured using -env-override, set it to empty string to disable this feature [general] # (obsolete, use acceptLicense instead) # acceptEULA = false # Please review license # and accept license by changing the value to *true* acceptLicense = false # location for the database # is used to store position of the files and internal state dataPath = ../var/collectord # log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal) logLevel = info # http server gives access to two endpoints # /healthz # /metrics httpServerBinding = # telemetry report endpoint, set it to empty string to disable telemetry telemetryEndpoint = # license check endpoint licenseEndpoint = # license server through proxy licenseServerProxyUrl = # authentication with basic authorization (user:password) licenseServerProxyBasicAuth = # license key license = # docker daemon hostname is used by default as hostname # use this configuration to override hostname = ${HOSTNAME} # Default output for events, logs and metrics # valid values: splunk and devnull # Use devnull by default if you don't want to redirect data defaultOutput = splunk # Default buffer size for file input fileInputBufferSize = 256b # Maximum size of one line the file reader can read fileInputLineMaxSize = 1mb # Include custom fields to attach to every event, in example below every event sent to Splunk will hav # indexed field my_environment=dev. Fields names should match to ^[a-z][_a-z0-9]*$ # Better way to configure that is to specify labels for Docker Hosts. # ; fields.my_environment = dev fields.linux_cluster = - # Include EC2 Metadata (see list of possible fields # Should be in format ec2Metadata.{desired_field_name} = {url path to read the value} # ec2Metadata.ec2_instance_id = /latest/meta-data/instance-id # ec2Metadata.ec2_instance_type = /latest/meta-data/instance-type # subdomain for the annotations added to the pods, workloads, namespaces or containers, like annotationsSubdomain = # Configure acknowledgement database. # - force fsync on every write to Write-Ahead-Log db.fsync = false # - maximum size of the Write-Ahead-Log db.compactAt = 1M # configure global thruput per second for forwarded logs (metrics are not included) # for example if you set `thruputPerSecond = 512Kb`, that will limit amount of logs forwarded # from the single Collectord instance to 512Kb per second. # You can configure thruput individually for the logs (including specific for container logs) below thruputPerSecond = # Configure events that are too old to be forwarded, for example 168h (7 days) - that will drop all events # older than 7 days tooOldEvents = # Configure events that are too new to be forwarded, for example 1h - that will drop all events that are 1h in future tooNewEvents = # cgroup input # sends stas for the host and cgroups (containers) [input.system_stats] # disable system level stats = false # cgroups fs location pathCgroups = /sys/fs/cgroup # proc location pathProc = /proc # how often to collect cgroup stats statsInterval = 30s # override type = linux_stats_v2_host # specify Splunk index = # set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput) = # mount input (collects mount stats where docker runtime is stored) [input.mount_stats] # disable system level stats disabled = false # how often to collect mount stats statsInterval = 30s # override type type = linux_mount_stats # specify Splunk index index = # set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput) output = # proc input [input.proc_stats] # disable proc level stats disabled = false # proc location pathProc = /proc # how often to collect proc stats statsInterval = 60s # override type type = linux_proc_stats_v2 # specify Splunk index = # proc filesystem includes by default system threads (there can be over 100 of them) # these stats do not help with the observability # excluding them can reduce the size of the index, performance of the searches and usage of the collector includeSystemThreads = false # set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput) = # network stats [input.net_stats] # disable net stats disabled = false # proc path location pathProc = /proc # how often to collect net stats statsInterval = 30s # override type type = linux_net_stats_v2 # specify Splunk index index = # set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput) output = # network socket table [input.net_socket_table] # disable net stats disabled = false # proc path location pathProc = /proc # how often to collect net stats statsInterval = 30s # override type type = linux_net_socket_table # specify Splunk index index = # set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput) output = # group connections by tcp_state, localAddr, remoteAddr (if localPort is not the port it is listening on) # that can significally reduces the amount of events group = true # Input syslog(.\d+)? files [input.files::syslog] # disable host level logs disabled = false # root location of log files path = /var/log/ # regex matching pattern match = ^(syslog|messages)(.\d+)?$ # limit search only on one level recursive = false # files are read using polling schema, when reach the EOF how often to check if files got updated pollingInterval = 250ms # how often o look for the new files under logs path walkingInterval = 5s # include verbose fields in events (file offset) verboseFields = false # override type type = linux_host_logs # specify Splunk index index = # field extraction extraction = ^(?P<timestamp>[A-Za-z]+\s+\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)\s(?P<syslog_hostname>[^\s]+)\s(?P<syslog_component>[^:\[]+)(\[(?P<syslog_pid>\d+)\])?: (.+)$ # timestamp field timestampField = timestamp # format for timestamp # the layout defines the format by showing how the reference time, defined to be `Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006` timestampFormat = Jan 2 15:04:05 # Adjust date, if month/day aren't set in format timestampSetMonth = false timestampSetDay = false # timestamp location (if not defined by format) timestampLocation = Local # sample output (-1 does not sample, 20 - only 20% of the logs should be forwarded) samplingPercent = -1 # sampling key for hash based sampling (should be regexp with the named match pattern `key`) samplingKey = # set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput) output = # configure default thruput per second for for each container log # for example if you set `thruputPerSecond = 128Kb`, that will limit amount of logs forwarded # from the single container to 128Kb per second. thruputPerSecond = # Configure events that are too old to be forwarded, for example 168h (7 days) - that will drop all events # older than 7 days tooOldEvents = # Configure events that are too new to be forwarded, for example 1h - that will drop all events that are 1h in future tooNewEvents = # Input all *.log(.\d+)? files [input.files::logs] # disable host level logs disabled = false # root location of log files path = /var/log/ # regex matching pattern match = ^(([\w\-.]+\.log(.[\d\-]+)?)|(docker))$ # files are read using polling schema, when reach the EOF how often to check if files got updated pollingInterval = 250ms # how often o look for the new files under logs path walkingInterval = 5s # include verbose fields in events (file offset) verboseFields = false # override type type = linux_host_logs # specify Splunk index index = # field extraction extraction = # timestamp field timestampField = # format for timestamp # the layout defines the format by showing how the reference time, defined to be `Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006` timestampFormat = # timestamp location (if not defined by format) timestampLocation = # sample output (-1 does not sample, 20 - only 20% of the logs should be forwarded) samplingPercent = -1 # sampling key (should be regexp with the named match pattern `key`) samplingKey = # set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput) output = # configure default thruput per second for for each container log # for example if you set `thruputPerSecond = 128Kb`, that will limit amount of logs forwarded # from the single container to 128Kb per second. thruputPerSecond = # Configure events that are too old to be forwarded, for example 168h (7 days) - that will drop all events # older than 7 days tooOldEvents = # Configure events that are too new to be forwarded, for example 1h - that will drop all events that are 1h in future tooNewEvents = [input.journald] # disable host level logs disabled = false # root location of log files path.persistent = /var/log/journal/ path.volatile = /run/log/journal/ # when reach end of journald, how often to pull pollingInterval = 250ms # override type type = linux_host_logs # specify Splunk index index = # sample output (-1 does not sample, 20 - only 20% of the logs should be forwarded) samplingPercent = -1 # sampling key (should be regexp with the named match pattern `key`) samplingKey = # how often to reopen the journald to free old files reopenInterval = 1h # set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput) output = # configure default thruput per second for for each container log # for example if you set `thruputPerSecond = 128Kb`, that will limit amount of logs forwarded # from the single container to 128Kb per second. thruputPerSecond = # Configure events that are too old to be forwarded, for example 168h (7 days) - that will drop all events # older than 7 days tooOldEvents = # Configure events that are too new to be forwarded, for example 1h - that will drop all events that are 1h in future tooNewEvents = # Default configuration for join multi-lines [pipe.join] # Maximum interval of messages in pipeline maxInterval = 100ms # Maximum time to wait for the messages in pipeline maxWait = 1s # Maximum message size maxSize = 100K # Splunk output [output.splunk] # Splunk HTTP Event Collector url url = # You can specify muiltiple splunk URls with # # urls.0 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/event/1.0 # urls.1 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/event/1.0 # urls.2 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/event/1.0 # # Limitations: # * The urls cannot have different path. # Specify how URL should be picked up (in case if multiple is used) # urlSelection = random|round-robin|random-with-round-robin # where: # * random - choose random url on first selection and after each failure (connection or HTTP status code >= 500) # * round-robin - choose url starting from first one and bump on each failure (connection or HTTP status code >= 500) # * random-with-round-robin - choose random url on first selection and after that in round-robin on each # failure (connection or HTTP status code >= 500) urlSelection = random-with-round-robin # Splunk HTTP Event Collector Token token = # Allow invalid SSL server certificate insecure = false # Path to CA cerificate caPath = # CA Name to verify caName = # path for client certificate (if required) clientCertPath = # path for client key (if required) clientKeyPath = # Events are batched with the maximum size set by batchSize and staying in pipeline for not longer # than set by frequency frequency = 5s batchSize = 768K # limit by the number of events (0 value has no limit on the number of events) events = 50 # Splunk through proxy proxyUrl = # authentication with basic authorization (user:password) proxyBasicAuth = # Splunk acknowledgement url (.../services/collector/ack) ackUrl = # You can specify muiltiple splunk URls for ackUrl # # ackUrls.0 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/ack # ackUrls.1 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/ack # ackUrls.2 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/ack # # Make sure that they in the same order as urls for url, to make sure that this Splunk instance will be # able to acknowledge the payload. # # Limitations: # * The urls cannot have different path. # Enable index acknowledgment ackEnabled = false # Index acknowledgment timeout ackTimeout = 3m # Timeout specifies a time limit for requests made by collector. # The timeout includes connection time, any # redirects, and reading the response body. timeout = 30s # in case when pipeline can post to multiple indexes, we want to avoid posibility of blocking # all pipelines, because just some events have incorrect index dedicatedClientPerIndex = true # (obsolete) in case if some indexes aren't used anymore, how often to destroy the dedicated client # dedicatedClientCleanPeriod = 24h # possible values: RedirectToDefault, Drop, Retry incorrectIndexBehavior = RedirectToDefault # gzip compression level (nocompression, default, 1...9) compressionLevel = default # number of dedicated splunk output threads (to increase throughput above 4k events per second) threads = 1
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Collector Configuration
- Collector configuration reference.
Logs forwarding
- Configuration for logs forwarding for custom locations.
Configurations for Splunk HTTP Event Collector
- Configure multiple HTTP Event Collector endpoints for Load Balancing and Fail-overs.
- Secure HTTP Event Collector endpoint.
- Configure the Proxy for HTTP Event Collector endpoint.
- Alerts
- Troubleshooting
- Release History
- FAQ and the common questions
- License agreement
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