Outcold Solutions LLC

Monitoring Linux - Version 5

Collector Configuration

Review /opt/collectorforlinux/etc/001-general.conf for default configurations, override any configuration with the file /opt/collectorforlinux/etc/001-user.conf

# collector configuration file
# Run collector with flag -conf and specify location of the configuration file.
# You can override all the values using environment variables with the format like
#   COLLECTOR__<ANYNAME>=<section>__<key>=<value>
# As an example you can set dataPath in [general] section as
#   COLLECTOR__DATAPATH=general__dataPath=C:\\some\\path\\data.db
# This parameter can be configured using -env-override, set it to empty string to disable this feature


# (obsolete, use acceptLicense instead)
# acceptEULA = false

# Please review license https://www.outcoldsolutions.com/docs/license-agreement/
# and accept license by changing the value to *true*
acceptLicense = false

# location for the database
# is used to store position of the files and internal state
dataPath = ../var/collectord

# log level (trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
logLevel = info

# http server gives access to two endpoints
# /healthz
# /metrics
httpServerBinding =

# telemetry report endpoint, set it to empty string to disable telemetry
telemetryEndpoint = https://license.outcold.solutions/telemetry/

# license check endpoint
licenseEndpoint = https://license.outcold.solutions/license/

# license server through proxy
licenseServerProxyUrl =

# authentication with basic authorization (user:password)
licenseServerProxyBasicAuth =

# license key
license =

# docker daemon hostname is used by default as hostname
# use this configuration to override
hostname = ${HOSTNAME}

# Default output for events, logs and metrics
# valid values: splunk and devnull
# Use devnull by default if you don't want to redirect data
defaultOutput = splunk

# Default buffer size for file input
fileInputBufferSize = 256b

# Maximum size of one line the file reader can read
fileInputLineMaxSize = 1mb

# Include custom fields to attach to every event, in example below every event sent to Splunk will hav
# indexed field my_environment=dev. Fields names should match to ^[a-z][_a-z0-9]*$
# Better way to configure that is to specify labels for Docker Hosts.
# ; fields.my_environment = dev
fields.linux_cluster = -

# Include EC2 Metadata (see list of possible fields https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html)
# Should be in format ec2Metadata.{desired_field_name} = {url path to read the value}
# ec2Metadata.ec2_instance_id = /latest/meta-data/instance-id
# ec2Metadata.ec2_instance_type = /latest/meta-data/instance-type

# subdomain for the annotations added to the pods, workloads, namespaces or containers, like splunk.collectord.io/..
annotationsSubdomain =

# Configure acknowledgement database.
# - force fsync on every write to Write-Ahead-Log
db.fsync = false
# - maximum size of the Write-Ahead-Log
db.compactAt = 1M

# configure global thruput per second for forwarded logs (metrics are not included)
# for example if you set `thruputPerSecond = 512Kb`, that will limit amount of logs forwarded
# from the single Collectord instance to 512Kb per second.
# You can configure thruput individually for the logs (including specific for container logs) below
thruputPerSecond =

# Configure events that are too old to be forwarded, for example 168h (7 days) - that will drop all events
# older than 7 days
tooOldEvents =

# Configure events that are too new to be forwarded, for example 1h - that will drop all events that are 1h in future
tooNewEvents =

# cgroup input
# sends stas for the host and cgroups (containers)

# disable system level stats
disabled.host = false

# cgroups fs location
pathCgroups = /sys/fs/cgroup

# proc location
pathProc = /proc

# how often to collect cgroup stats
statsInterval = 30s

# override type
type.host = linux_stats_v2_host

# specify Splunk index
index.host =

# set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput)
output.host =

# mount input (collects mount stats where docker runtime is stored)

# disable system level stats
disabled = false

# how often to collect mount stats
statsInterval = 30s

# override type
type = linux_mount_stats

# specify Splunk index
index =

# set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput)
output =

# proc input

# disable proc level stats
disabled = false

# proc location
pathProc = /proc

# how often to collect proc stats
statsInterval = 60s

# override type
type = linux_proc_stats_v2

# specify Splunk index
index.host =

# proc filesystem includes by default system threads (there can be over 100 of them)
# these stats do not help with the observability
# excluding them can reduce the size of the index, performance of the searches and usage of the collector
includeSystemThreads = false

# set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput)
output.host =

# network stats

# disable net stats
disabled = false

# proc path location
pathProc = /proc

# how often to collect net stats
statsInterval = 30s

# override type
type = linux_net_stats_v2

# specify Splunk index
index =

# set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput)
output =

# network socket table

# disable net stats
disabled = false

# proc path location
pathProc = /proc

# how often to collect net stats
statsInterval = 30s

# override type
type = linux_net_socket_table

# specify Splunk index
index =

# set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput)
output =

# group connections by tcp_state, localAddr, remoteAddr (if localPort is not the port it is listening on)
# that can significally reduces the amount of events
group = true

# Input syslog(.\d+)? files

# disable host level logs
disabled = false

# root location of log files
path = /var/log/

# regex matching pattern
match = ^(syslog|messages)(.\d+)?$

# limit search only on one level
recursive = false

# files are read using polling schema, when reach the EOF how often to check if files got updated
pollingInterval = 250ms

# how often o look for the new files under logs path
walkingInterval = 5s

# include verbose fields in events (file offset)
verboseFields = false

# override type
type = linux_host_logs

# specify Splunk index
index =

# field extraction
extraction = ^(?P<timestamp>[A-Za-z]+\s+\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)\s(?P<syslog_hostname>[^\s]+)\s(?P<syslog_component>[^:\[]+)(\[(?P<syslog_pid>\d+)\])?: (.+)$

# timestamp field
timestampField = timestamp

# format for timestamp
# the layout defines the format by showing how the reference time, defined to be `Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006`
timestampFormat = Jan 2 15:04:05

# Adjust date, if month/day aren't set in format
timestampSetMonth = false
timestampSetDay = false

# timestamp location (if not defined by format)
timestampLocation = Local

# sample output (-1 does not sample, 20 - only 20% of the logs should be forwarded)
samplingPercent = -1

# sampling key for hash based sampling (should be regexp with the named match pattern `key`)
samplingKey =

# set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput)
output =

# configure default thruput per second for for each container log
# for example if you set `thruputPerSecond = 128Kb`, that will limit amount of logs forwarded
# from the single container to 128Kb per second.
thruputPerSecond =

# Configure events that are too old to be forwarded, for example 168h (7 days) - that will drop all events
# older than 7 days
tooOldEvents =

# Configure events that are too new to be forwarded, for example 1h - that will drop all events that are 1h in future
tooNewEvents =

# Input all *.log(.\d+)? files

# disable host level logs
disabled = false

# root location of log files
path = /var/log/

# regex matching pattern
match = ^(([\w\-.]+\.log(.[\d\-]+)?)|(docker))$

# files are read using polling schema, when reach the EOF how often to check if files got updated
pollingInterval = 250ms

# how often o look for the new files under logs path
walkingInterval = 5s

# include verbose fields in events (file offset)
verboseFields = false

# override type
type = linux_host_logs

# specify Splunk index
index =

# field extraction
extraction =

# timestamp field
timestampField =

# format for timestamp
# the layout defines the format by showing how the reference time, defined to be `Mon Jan 2 15:04:05 -0700 MST 2006`
timestampFormat =

# timestamp location (if not defined by format)
timestampLocation =

# sample output (-1 does not sample, 20 - only 20% of the logs should be forwarded)
samplingPercent = -1

# sampling key (should be regexp with the named match pattern `key`)
samplingKey =

# set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput)
output =

# configure default thruput per second for for each container log
# for example if you set `thruputPerSecond = 128Kb`, that will limit amount of logs forwarded
# from the single container to 128Kb per second.
thruputPerSecond =

# Configure events that are too old to be forwarded, for example 168h (7 days) - that will drop all events
# older than 7 days
tooOldEvents =

# Configure events that are too new to be forwarded, for example 1h - that will drop all events that are 1h in future
tooNewEvents =


# disable host level logs
disabled = false

# root location of log files
path.persistent = /var/log/journal/
path.volatile = /run/log/journal/

# when reach end of journald, how often to pull
pollingInterval = 250ms

# override type
type = linux_host_logs

# specify Splunk index
index =

# sample output (-1 does not sample, 20 - only 20% of the logs should be forwarded)
samplingPercent = -1

# sampling key (should be regexp with the named match pattern `key`)
samplingKey =

# how often to reopen the journald to free old files
reopenInterval = 1h

# set output (splunk or devnull, default is [general]defaultOutput)
output =

# configure default thruput per second for for each container log
# for example if you set `thruputPerSecond = 128Kb`, that will limit amount of logs forwarded
# from the single container to 128Kb per second.
thruputPerSecond =

# Configure events that are too old to be forwarded, for example 168h (7 days) - that will drop all events
# older than 7 days
tooOldEvents =

# Configure events that are too new to be forwarded, for example 1h - that will drop all events that are 1h in future
tooNewEvents =

# Default configuration for join multi-lines

# Maximum interval of messages in pipeline
maxInterval = 100ms

# Maximum time to wait for the messages in pipeline
maxWait = 1s

# Maximum message size
maxSize = 100K

# Splunk output

# Splunk HTTP Event Collector url
url =
# You can specify muiltiple splunk URls with
# urls.0 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/event/1.0
# urls.1 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/event/1.0
# urls.2 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/event/1.0
# Limitations:
# * The urls cannot have different path.

# Specify how URL should be picked up (in case if multiple is used)
# urlSelection = random|round-robin|random-with-round-robin
# where:
# * random - choose random url on first selection and after each failure (connection or HTTP status code >= 500)
# * round-robin - choose url starting from first one and bump on each failure (connection or HTTP status code >= 500)
# * random-with-round-robin - choose random url on first selection and after that in round-robin on each
#                             failure (connection or HTTP status code >= 500)
urlSelection = random-with-round-robin

# Splunk HTTP Event Collector Token
token =

# Allow invalid SSL server certificate
insecure = false

# Path to CA cerificate
caPath =

# CA Name to verify
caName =

# path for client certificate (if required)
clientCertPath =

# path for client key (if required)
clientKeyPath =

# Events are batched with the maximum size set by batchSize and staying in pipeline for not longer
# than set by frequency
frequency = 5s
batchSize = 768K
# limit by the number of events (0 value has no limit on the number of events)
events = 50

# Splunk through proxy
proxyUrl =

# authentication with basic authorization (user:password)
proxyBasicAuth =

# Splunk acknowledgement url (.../services/collector/ack)
ackUrl =
# You can specify muiltiple splunk URls for ackUrl
# ackUrls.0 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/ack
# ackUrls.1 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/ack
# ackUrls.2 = https://server1:8088/services/collector/ack
# Make sure that they in the same order as urls for url, to make sure that this Splunk instance will be
# able to acknowledge the payload.
# Limitations:
# * The urls cannot have different path.

# Enable index acknowledgment
ackEnabled = false

# Index acknowledgment timeout
ackTimeout = 3m

# Timeout specifies a time limit for requests made by collector.
# The timeout includes connection time, any
# redirects, and reading the response body.
timeout = 30s

# in case when pipeline can post to multiple indexes, we want to avoid posibility of blocking
# all pipelines, because just some events have incorrect index
dedicatedClientPerIndex = true

# (obsolete) in case if some indexes aren't used anymore, how often to destroy the dedicated client
# dedicatedClientCleanPeriod = 24h

# possible values: RedirectToDefault, Drop, Retry
incorrectIndexBehavior = RedirectToDefault

# gzip compression level (nocompression, default, 1...9)
compressionLevel = default

# number of dedicated splunk output threads (to increase throughput above 4k events per second)
threads = 1

About Outcold Solutions

Outcold Solutions provides solutions for monitoring Kubernetes, OpenShift and Docker clusters in Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud. We offer certified Splunk applications, which give you insights across all containers environments. We are helping businesses reduce complexity related to logging and monitoring by providing easy-to-use and deploy solutions for Linux and Windows containers. We deliver applications, which help developers monitor their applications and operators to keep their clusters healthy. With the power of Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud, we offer one solution to help you keep all the metrics and logs in one place, allowing you to quickly address complex questions on container performance.